Distant Voyage web event - Genshin Impact guide

Learn how to start and complete the Genshin Impact's web event, Distant Voyage, on both PC and PS4/PS5.

Genshin Impact’s Distant Voyage web event starts today and offers the chance to claim some free rewards for completing a few simple steps. As a web event, you’ll need to complete the event through your browser, linking your miHoYo account to get the rewards in game. Below, we’ll explain how to start the Distant Voyage web event in Genshin Impact, and take you through the steps required to complete it.

Distant Voyage web event - Genshin Impact guide

Genshin Impact distant voyage web event guide
© miHoYo

To take part in the Distant Voyage web event in Genshin Impact, you must be Adventure Rank 10 or above. If you’re not quite there yet, you can also complete the event to receive the rewards after you’ve reached the required level. You will need three days to complete the full event and earn the rewards.

The event runs from June 24 to July 3, so there’s plenty of time to sign up and level up before you claim the rewards. It’s all focussed around the new character Kaedehara Kazuha, so here’s how to get involved.

Distant Voyage web event on PC

  • Head to this page on the Genshin Impact website
  • Click the “Click Here to Prepare for the Voyage” text
  • Select your server and log in using your miHoYo account details
  • Select the character you wish to complete the event with

Distant Voyage web event on PS4/PS5

  • Load up Genshin Impact
  • Log in with your desired character
  • Open the Paimon menu and select Mail
  • Open the Distant Voyage event mail

How to complete the Distant Voyage web event

Once you’re logged in and on the screen showing the beach, you need to help Kazuha craft a boat. Click the exclamation mark in the top right corner. Click the two Go buttons under the daily tasks and refresh the page to confirm they are completed. This will grant you three crafting uses for the day.

You can now click the Craft sign. Click the Craft button under the three ship segments. Each will take an hour to craft. You can only craft three items per day, so you can now leave the website and return tomorrow. The crafting uses reset at midnight UTC + 8 (9am PT, 12pm ET, 5pm BST), which is different to the server reset time.

Repeat the tasks and crafting steps for the following two days to complete all three days of crafting. At the end of the event you will have crafted the boat for Kazuha to voyage on. 

You can now load back into Genshin Impact to claim your rewards via the in-game mail system (Paimon Menu > Mail). The Mail will expire after 30 days, so make sure you claim it in time to gather the rewards.

That’s all there is to know about the Distant Voyage web event in Genshin Impact. We’ve also got a guide to Sea Ganoderma locations you might find useful. Finally, you can also head to our hub page for more useful tips and tricks about the game.

Associate Editor

Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at henry@moonrock.biz, or catch him on Twitter.


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