7 badass female video game characters

They're beauty, they're grace, and fully capable of knocking you on your face.

Sarah Kerrigan – StarCraft

© StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm / Blizzard Entertainment / Fair Use

No other female character on this list has a story quite as jaw-dropping as Sarah Kerrigan, aka the “Queen of Blades.” Kerrigan got her start in the Confederate’s “Ghost Program” as a child before going on to become the second-in-command to the Sons of Korhal.

While Mengsk’s betrayal could have easily resulted in her death, Kerrigan is far too great an asset, as the Zerg quickly realized. After the Zerg Swarm captured her, she goes through a startling transformation into their official queen. Or, as she dubs herself, the Queen of Blades.

Kerrigan is a formidable force and one of the most memorable StarCraft characters. She’s someone you never want to underestimate, and even after going through absolute hell, is still able to retain a semblance of control and sense of self.

Morgan is a writer, indie game lover, and socially awkward coffee addict. Need something? Morgan can be reached at morgan.shaver@allgamers.com or if you like, you can say hello using GIFs on Twitter.


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