Name That Game Screenshot Quiz - Answers

Test your gaming knowledge with this fun screenshot quiz.

Could you name them all? Let us know your score in the comments below!

1. Abzu by Giant Squid Studios

Released only a few short weeks ago, Abzu has already made a splash in the realm of indie gaming. In Abzu, you take control of a mysterious female diver as she learns more about the gorgeous underwater world around her, and the various secrets it contains. Buy Abzu on Steam

2. Life is Strange by DONTNOD Entertainment

You earn bonus points if you knew that the screenshot shown was taken from Episode 1: Chrysalis. Indeed, the truck shown in the mystery screenshot is the back of Chloe's truck after she brings Max to her home to fix Max's camera. There are numerous hidden Easter Eggs in Life is Strange that reference popular TV shows and movies, including a slate in Max's dorm that refers to a room in Stephen King's popular novel, The Shining. Play Episode 1 of Life Is Strange for FREE on Steam!

3. The Vanishing of Ethan Carter by The Astronauts

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is both beautiful, and mysterious. In the game, you play as detective Paul Prospero, who receives a letter from a boy named Ethan. After coming to the realization that the child is likely in serious danger, Paul sets off for Red Creek Valley to find him. When he arrives, Paul discovers that this endeavor will be a bit trickier than he first thought. If you love a good mystery, look no further than this superb indie title. Buy The Vanishing of Ethan Carter on Steam!

4. Papers, Please by 3909

Glory to Arstotzka! The answer to Mystery Screenshot #4 is none other than Papers, Please. In the game, you play as an immigration officer on the border of Arstotzka who has the power to either let people into the country or turn them away. At first, this charming pixelated game may seem like a fun romp of time management. However, as you delve deeper into the game more of its dark political undertones and difficult scenarios will be brought to light. The game also has a killer opening theme, which we still can't get it out of our head. Buy Papers, Please on Steam

5. A Story About My Uncle by Gone North Games

Mystery Screenshot #5 reveals itself to be none other than the game A Story About My Uncle. This indie title surprised us, and was extremely enjoyable despite its short duration. In the game, you quest through magical worlds seeking your lost uncle. The gameplay reminded us of Mirror's Edge, as you leap and grapple onto objects. The world created within the game is highly immersive, and the voice acting is top notch. While obscure, this indie title is definitely one to try out for yourself. Buy A Story About My Uncle on Steam

6. RunGunJumpGun by ThirtyThree

The answer to #6 is none other than RunGunJumpGun. We apologize, as this one may have been a bit unfair. You see, RunGunJumpGun doesn't release until August 31st. Nevertheless, this incredibly difficult side-scroller is one we've had our eye on, and are absolutely excited to play. If you haven't heard about RunGunJumpGun, and love punishing games like Dark Souls or Super Meat Boy, be sure to snag a copy on August 31st. Buy RunGunJumpGun on Steam

7. Starbound by Chucklefish 

If you love Terraria, you will certainly love Starbound. Starbound takes Chucklefish's open-world sandbox game and expands it, providing players with the chance to explore the galaxy and its countless randomly generated worlds. If you've been longing for No Man's Sky for this reason, but are waiting for kinks to be worked out of the PC version, why not give Starbound a try? Soothing, bright, cheerful, and above all, tons of fun. Buy Starbound on Steam

8. Audiosurf 2 by Dylan Fitterer

Audiosurf 2 isn't the first of its kind, as many gamers will remember the iconic original which released way back in 2008. On YouTube, prior to the rise in Let's Plays, many users would upload clips of them playing difficult tracks in Audiosurf to show off their prowess. One song in particular, Dragonforce's "Through The Fire and Flames," was one of the most popular tracks in Audiosurf 2 due to its insane difficulty level. With updated graphics, and a system that analyzes your music even better, Audiosurf 2 is a blast that never seems to get old. And if you're wishing you could play something like this on VR, you can! Dylan Fitterer recently released "Audioshield" earlier this year, which takes the mechanics of Audiosurf 2 and tailors them for the HTC Vive. If you're a music lover, this game will hit all the right notes. Buy Audiosurf 2 on Steam!

9. Alan Wake by Remedy Entertainment 

We're not going to sugarcoat it... we love this game! Alan Wake by Remedy Entertainment is like dropping yourself right in the middle of a Stephen King novel. In the game, you will follow protagonist Alan through the mysterious town of Bright Falls as he searches for his wife who has gone missing. The game has no shortage of surprises, twists, and heart-pounding moments that will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout the game. Overall, it plays out like a novel or a TV series, which is fitting as Alan himself is a writer. While fans may still be waiting desperately for an Alan Wake 2, replaying the classic game is well worth it as you may just find things you missed the first time around. Buy Alan Wake on Steam

10. Crusader Kings II by Paradox Interactive 

Last, but certainly not least, we have your answer to Mystery Screenshot #10... Crusader Kings II. Whether you're a fan of George R.R. Martin's popular Game of Thrones series, or you enjoy turn-based strategy games like Sid Meier's Civilization, Crusader Kings II has a lot to offer. A single game can last for hours on end, and will encourage you to play towards the long game rather than making impulsive decisions. Medieval Europe is truly brought to life in this stunning entry from Paradox, and if you feel you're up to the challenge, give it a playthrough (although you may be there a while). Buy Crusader Kings II on Steam!

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Morgan is a writer, indie game lover, and socially awkward coffee addict. Need something? Morgan can be reached at or if you like, you can say hello using GIFs on Twitter.


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