Buy Mega Bloks, get exclusive Destiny 2 emblem

Lego of your cynicism.

Bungie and Mattel have teamed up to give Destiny 2 fans an exclusive Mega Bloks in-game emblem when they buy new Mega Construx kits based on the game.

The emblem is available exclusively through GameStop, as the retailer giddily revealed on Twitter over the weekend:

Mega Bloks is no Lego, but the Destiny 2 merchandise is pretty sweet. There's a Ravensteel Sparrow for $15.99, a Cabal Bruiser Battle Building Set for $29.99 or, if you've got more glimmer than you know what to do with, there's a Cabal Harvester Dropship for $199.99. The full range is on GameStop's website.


Tom is probably best known for the 15 years - FIFTEEN YEARS! - he spent at Eurogamer, one of Europe's biggest independent gaming sites. Now he roams the earth, but will always have a home here at AllGamers. You can try and raise him from his deep, abyssal slumber through or he's also on Twitter.


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