The best Visual Novels to play (read)

If you want a story with plenty of choice, these are the literary adventures for you.

The Devil on G-String

© Akabeisoft2
© Akabeisoft2

The Devil on G-String's story revolves around Kyosuke Azai, the adopted son of Gonzo Azai, a yakuza leader. Kyosuke works under Gonzo in order to pay off the loan taken out by his biological father, while also helping with the costs of his raising. However, when a girl named Usami Haru appears in town along with an international criminal known as Maou, a deadly game of cat-and-mouse quickly ensues. This visual novel is filled with plotting, political intrigue and layer upon layer of interlocking traps as the characters duke it out in this epic battle of wits. If you like stories with mystery, then The Devil on G-String is sure to sate your tastes.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy

© Capcom
© Capcom

You don’t have to be a fan of visual novels or anime to enjoy Phoenix Wright. In fact, the Ace Attorney Trilogy is the most accessible series on this list and is a great choice for all ages. In Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney you play as the eponymous Wright – who must defend the innocent even though the evidence points heavily towards them. On your quest for justice, you’ll investigate crime scenes for clues and use them to poke gaping holes in witness testimonies to find the true perpetrator. Nearly every case will have you on your toes and will throw curveballs that constantly subvert your expectations. Just don’t blame us if you get addicted to yelling “OBJECTION!” at every passing opportunity.


James is a journalist who has written for the likes of PC Gamer, Games Radar, Kotaku, LoL Esports, and many more. If you’d like to get in touch with James you can contact him via email at or by following him on Twitter


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