Most Shocking Moments in Video Game History

Shocking moments in video games that we’ll never forget.

Grand Theft Auto V - Torture Scene

Personally, this one didn’t bother me as much as “No Russian,” but that doesn’t mean the “By the Book” mission in Grand Theft Auto V isn’t one of the most shocking moments in video game history. For those who aren’t familiar, you play (partly) as Trevor Philips, one of the game’s three protagonists.

During parts of this level, you choose various methods to torture a man who is begging you not to hurt him, and who the game suggests is willing to answer your questions without being tortured.

Some of the things you do include pulling his teeth out with pliers, smashing his knee with a heavy wrench, waterboarding, and even electrocuting him. Basically, extremely horrible things that would make almost anyone uncomfortable. That’s why the By the Book torture scene is one of the most shocking moments in gaming history. Then again, did you expect less from Grand Theft Auto?


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