Best Tier 1 Tanks in World of Tanks

The best Tier 1 tanks that are perfect for destroying your enemies in World of Tanks.

1. Leichttraktor

The best Tier 1 tank in World of Tanks is the Leichttraktor, with its rear-mounted turret, excellent selection of guns, and high damage, the Leichttraktor tears up the battlefield.
The best Tier 1 tank in World of Tanks is the Leichttraktor, with its rear-mounted turret, excellent selection of guns, and high damage, the Leichttraktor tears up the battlefield.

Finally, coming in at number one for the best Tier 1 tanks in World of Tanks is the infamous Leichttraktor. As far as light tanks go, the Leichttraktor is one of the meanest tanks on the battlefield. The Leichttraktor is a tank you simply can't help but love, and it's even one of the most popular choices for seal-clubbing.

Whether you prefer the single-shot power of the 3.7cm or the speed of the 2cm autocannon, the Leichttraktor offers an absurd amount of damage output no matter your preference. This great Tier 1 tank also offers decent armor and a rear-mounted turret, making it ideal at reverse-angling.

Though it has worse accuracy than the T1 Cunningham, it makes up for this with its rate of fire, reload time, and aim time. While it won’t be able to get to the frontline as fast as the T1 Cunningham, once it gets there, it will be able to deal out a lot more damage over the course of the battle while sustaining more hits.

That’s our list of the best Tier 1 tanks, what do you think of the winnerdo you think the T1 Cunningham is better than the Liechttraktor? Let us know in the comments what order the tanks should be in on our list of best Tier 1 tanks in World of Tanks.

Sam Chandler is the Australian piece of the AllGamers puzzle. Out of all his gaming-related passions, collecting N64 games, speedrunning, and Souls games rank among the most important. You can reach Sam through Twitter, @SamuelChandler, or through his email,, at any time of the day or night on either side of the globe.


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