Video: World of Tanks Drops Four Hilarious Super Bowl 51 Videos

You’ve never seen this version of Real Housewives.

Earlier today, World of Tanks released four Super Bowl 51 commercials on their YouTube channel. This comes one day after IGN posted a video to their Twitter account that was apparently too hot to run at Super Bowl 51. Well, if at first you don’t succeed, make a bunch more hilarious videos.

Click through and watch each one, enjoying the running theme of tanks bursting onto the scene to break up one idiotic moment after another. In fact, just play the damn videos on loop.

Real Awful Moms

This is clearly a shot at Real Housewives. The commercial shows several women standing around arguing about who's the better mom, and discussing how perfect their children are. It's just about the time that you feel yourself about to vomit when a tank smashes through the wall and saves the day.


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