7 Most Infuriating Things Players Do in World of Tanks

Number three will make you get out of your tank, get into your ally’s tank, and beat them to death with their first-aid kits.

1. “40% GG”

Starting off a game by nitpicking your teammates is not going to get you a victory or a fun time. Better to be positive and be friendly, because a team that likes each other is going to do better than one with lots of in-fighting.
Starting off a game by nitpicking your teammates is not going to net you a victory. Better to be positive and friendly, because a team that likes each other is going to do better than one with lots of in-fighting.

And coming in at number one on our list of the seven most infuriating things World of Tanks players do is starting a match by insinuating that the game is already lost. Whether it’s 41% we lose, 40% GG, or even bad team/bad game, there is nothing more blood-curdling than having a teammate undermine an entire team because they think someone’s winrate is too low.

We’re all on the same team. We’re all playing this game because we enjoy it, whether it’s as a history enthusiast, or because we’re looking to improve and achieve more. Belittling your team, being negative in a community, and dragging your team's morale down before the match is about to start is one of the most infuriating things a player in World of Tanks can do. To combat this, the negative player should learn to be a positive voice, maybe even help and advise the low winrate player. Because remember, not everyone is trying desperately to improve their WN8.

While there are heaps of elements in World of Tanks that everyone loves, the seven examples above are some of the most infuriating things that players do in World of Tanks. Fortunately, all hope is not lost! As long as people are willing to improve at World of Tanks, learn about different strategies, and even learn to be a positive voice, both World of Tanks and its community will continue to get better and better!

What do you think of our list of the seven most infuriating things players do in World of Tanks? Let us know in the comments what you find to be the most infuriating thing!

Sam Chandler is the Australian piece of the AllGamers puzzle. Out of all his gaming-related passions, collecting N64 games, speedrunning, and Souls games rank among the most important. You can reach Sam through Twitter, @SamuelChandler, or through his email, sam.chandler@allgamers.com, at any time of the day or night on either side of the globe.


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