The best 4K games to play on your new Xbox One X

It's finally here! But what should you play on it?

7. Call of Duty: World War 2

Enhancements: 4K, HDR

COD has always been one of the mainstays of 60fps gaming, when everyone else was shambling along at 30. So while the Xbox One X version doesn’t offer any novelty on that front, what it does do is elevate the whole spectacle to the next level, and provide one of the benchmark 4K gaming experiences to date.

Better still, WW2 is easily one of the best CODs for years, so we’re not just excited about the pretty textures, though mowing down Nazi scum has never looked so good.

8. FIFA 18

Enhancements: 4K, HDR, 60fps

FIFA games have (mostly) always been visual showcases, but this one runs around with its shirt pulled over its head, celebrating right in front of the opposition fans. Seeing it resplendent in 4K HDR and at a consistent silky smooth 60fps takes it up a division, and dare we say it, makes the game feel more responsive and alive to your probings.

Playing with the elite teams in the best stadiums is an incredible experience, and being able to see that much detail on the pitch is a huge bonus.

Nicole is a fan of gaming, music, and movies. Feel free to reach her at for questions, concerns, or just good music and movie recommendations!

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