Horizon: Zero Dawn - How to Uncover the Map

Unlock new areas by learning how to uncover the map in Horizon: Zero Dawn.

Knowing how to uncover the map in Horizon: Zero Dawn is extremely important if you want to see all the locations you can potentially visit. In order to uncover the map, you will need to know how to climb and override Tallnecks. Doing this is crucial to uncovering new locations and points of interest, which is a vital part of purchasing the best weapons in Horizon: Zero Dawn. Read on to learn how to uncover the map in Horizon: Zero Dawn.

How to Find Tallnecks

You'll find your first Tallneck as you enter Devil's Thirst. Aloy will detect a strange signal with her Focus.
You'll find your first Tallneck as you enter Devil's Thirst. Aloy will detect a strange signal with her Focus.

The first step in learning how to uncover the map in Horizon: Zero Dawn is locating Tallnecks, the tallest creatures in the game. Hidden around the map are five Tallnecks that can be climbed in order to remove the fog and clear up the map. Thankfully, the Tallnecks are visible on the map through the fog. By climbing and overriding a Tallneck, you will be able to see important locations on the map.

How to Climb Tallnecks

The first Tallneck you come across will be fairly simple to climb, just be careful not to fall off!
The first Tallneck you come across will be fairly simple to climb, just be careful not to fall off!

Once you’ve travelled to the closest Tallneck, you will need to prepare to climb to the top of its head. Each Tallneck is different, with a unique configuration of climbable ledges and parts, making the climb to the top a puzzle each time.

The first Tallneck you will likely come across can be found near Devil’s Thirst. This is the easiest Tallneck to climb and a good introduction to how to uncover the map in Horizon: Zero Dawn.

In order to climb this first Tallneck, and all Tallnecks thereafter, you need to find an elevated area at the same height as the Tallneck’s back. The reason for this is that you cannot climb up a Tallneck’s legs to reach its back.

To locate the correct path to the Tallneck’s back, look for any Watchers around the area as they protect the area leading to the jumping-off point. Take down the Watchers, as they will try to knock you off the Tallneck as you climb it, resulting in a significant loss of health.

Hold Triangle to Override the Tallneck.
Hold Triangle to Override the Tallneck.
Overriding the Tallneck will reveal the surrounding area, clearing away the fog on your map.
Overriding the Tallneck will reveal the surrounding area, clearing away the fog on your map.

After jumping onto the Tallneck’s back, make your way up its long neck to the top. As you reach the top, hold Triangle to override the Tallneck, thus receiving the data that will uncover the map. Now that another portion of the map is uncovered, you will be able to see new gathering locations. Rappel off the Tallneck to reach the ground safely and quickly.

Taking the time to uncover the map offers more benefits than just resource points, it helps expand the areas that can use for fast travel.

Uncovering the map in Horizon: Zero Dawn is an important part of progressing through the game. It helps you clear the area, allowing you to see critical locations, such as machine gathering locations. By reading this guide, you should now know how to uncover the map in Horizon: Zero Dawn.

Sam Chandler is the Australian piece of the AllGamers puzzle. Out of all his gaming-related passions, collecting N64 games, speedrunning, and Souls games rank among the most important. You can reach Sam through Twitter, @SamuelChandler, or through his email, sam.chandler@allgamers.com, at any time of the day or night on either side of the globe.


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