Best Heavy Tanks for Noobs in World of Tanks

Several noob-friendly heavy tanks for the novice World of Tanks player.


The KV-1S is another noob-friendly Soviet Heavy tank in World of Tanks that newer players should consider trying. The only way to unlock the KV-1S is by unlocking the KV-1 first, so if you were planning to follow our previous suggestion, then the KV-1S might be the next logical step depending on your personal preferences.

The KV-1S is a U.S.S.R. Tier 5 Heavy tank that leads to the IS lines on the Soviet tech tree. The KV-1S differs from its KV-1 counterpart by exchanging strong armor for better mobility. If the sluggish speed of the KV-1’s got you down, then consider heading towards the IS line via the KV-1S instead.

What the KV-1S lacks in armor, it makes up for in speed, penetration, and rate of fire. If you prefer the mobility of Medium tanks, then the KV-1S will be right up your alley. Use this Heavy tank to put pressure on enemies and support your allies with flank attacks as needed. If the KV-1 doesn’t convince a newer player get on board with Heavy tanks, maybe the KV-1S will.


Larryn is a full-time editor who has written guides and editorial features for various gaming websites. She is obsessed with Witcher 3 and is known to put hot sauce on everything.


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