How Many of These Little-Known Facts Did You Know About World of Tanks?

Test your World of Tanks knowledge!

A Dog Crew Member

Did you know there's a dog as a crew member in World of Tanks?

Yes, you read that correctly. There is actually a tank that has a dog as part of its crew! The T-34-85 Rudy (T followed by a dash, meaning it's a Soviet tank) is a Tier 6 Premium vehicle that has a dog as part of its team.

We just wish you could hire more dogs and have a whole crew made entirely of hounds! A pity they aren’t in the American tree, then you could have a Wolverine full of dogs. Then you’d only need a cat crew to have a Wolverine versus Hellcats scenario. Either way, we can dream!

Sam Chandler is the Australian piece of the AllGamers puzzle. Out of all his gaming-related passions, collecting N64 games, speedrunning, and Souls games rank among the most important. You can reach Sam through Twitter, @SamuelChandler, or through his email,, at any time of the day or night on either side of the globe.


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