What Soldiers Ate During War

A look at some of the rations eaten by soldiers throughout history and today.

US Airforce & Pilot MRE

This particular video offers a collection of survival rations ranging from individual units comprised of medicines and equipment, to actual foodstuffs in the Abandon Aircraft Food Packet. These rations each contain different items, with the first two units focusing on non-foodstuffs, and the latter two devoted entirely to maximizing the amount of energy in the smallest space possible.

It’s incredible to see the use of some medication to help keep soldiers active and the utensils provided. The two units, though decades apart, do share some similarities in their contents. The purpose of these units were to ensure survival and to tend to any wounds that someone might have sustained in an emergency situation.

The two tins contain food that was designed to have high fat contents in order to keep soldiers energized. These primarily contained bars of food such as fruit cake, cereal, and meat. Furthermore, these bars were to be hydrated and mixed with the other ingredients provided.

While we often take for granted the preparation of meals and the readily available food services we have, the process of learning what our servicemen and women need to consume in order to remain in peak physical condition is an eye-opening experience. It's incredible to look back at some of the simple, yet hearty meals these soldiers had to prepare during combat times. We want to hear from you, have you had any experiences (good or otherwise) with food rations while serving?

Sam Chandler is the Australian piece of the AllGamers puzzle. Out of all his gaming-related passions, collecting N64 games, speedrunning, and Souls games rank among the most important. You can reach Sam through Twitter, @SamuelChandler, or through his email, sam.chandler@allgamers.com, at any time of the day or night on either side of the globe.


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