Top 5 Places to Call Home in The Long Dark

The top five base locations you should consider calling home in The Long Dark.

Trapper’s Cabin - Mystery Lake

As you can see, I have a hard life living in the Trapper's Cabin in Mystery Lake.
As you can see, I have a hard life living in the Trapper's Cabin in Mystery Lake.

The Bad: There isn’t a lot of bad when you’re considering the Trapper’s Cabin, except that it’s sort of out of the way from all other regions besides Forlorn Muskeg. There’s also the bear and wolf spawns to bring up if you decide to venture too far outside your backyard, and the storage situation isn’t on the same level as the Camp Office or Quonset Gas Station. Things can get routine at the Trapper’s Cabin so if you want excitement, you’ll have to look elsewhere.

It's a beautiful spot to call home if you don't mind the peace and quiet.
It's a beautiful spot to call home if you don't mind the peace and quiet.

The Good: Once you have all the gear you need and are set up in a sustainable fashion, there’s no better place to ride out a long playthrough than Trapper’s Cabin. There’s a workbench inside the cabin, as well as fireplace and a bed. Rabbit and deer spawns are right outside your door, with up to five deer walking through your yard at any given time. Speaking of your yard, it will be predator free (although they aren’t far). There’s also a broken-down building that offers protection from a blizzard, allowing fires in even the worst weather, making cabin fever a non-issue. Oh, and the sticks, there are a lot of sticks. I’ve grabbed more than 200 in a single stick-gathering run.



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