Top World of Tanks GIFs of the Week - Week 12

Ramming damage seems to be the theme for this week’s GIFs.

No Shells? No Problem

Desperate times call for desperate measures. The player in this final GIF, who goes by origamiboy231, had ran out of shells just as they spotted a pair of rival Tank Destroyers battling one another. 

In order to save his teammate, origamiboy231 did the only thing he could do. He plowed front-first into the opponent’s rear, destroying their tank along with his own. User Kulgur sums it up perfectly with their comment: “When you have no shell, you must become the shell.”

No shells left? No problem!

Posted by: origamiboy231

One last ramming clip...

That’s it for the top World of Tanks GIFs for this week! Before you head out, we wanted to share one more clip with you, this time from our own Tank War Room livestream. It’s not a GIF, but we figured it would fit in nicely with all the ramming kills featured this week. Enjoy!


Larryn is a full-time editor who has written guides and editorial features for various gaming websites. She is obsessed with Witcher 3 and is known to put hot sauce on everything.

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