7 Most Fun Tanks to Play in World of Tanks

Relax and have some fun by hopping in these tanks.


Slinking back down to Tier 5 and visiting the United States tech tree, we have the Chaffee, a Light tank that belongs to one of the best USA tank lines in World of Tanks. The Chaffee offers itself as a scout or a flanker, but one must first know when to flank.

Part of its appeal is its handling. Its manoeuvrability lends itself to harassing enemy tanks and then retreating behind cover, and repeating. Its speed, like the PzIC, is what makes the Chaffee such a fun tank to pilot, that and its accurate, and rapid-firing, guns. A tricky pilot can zoom behind enemy lines and harass TDs and SPGs with ease, punishing them for not paying attention.

The Chaffee is fast and accurate, making for a good change of pace when all you need is fun.

Sam Chandler is the Australian piece of the AllGamers puzzle. Out of all his gaming-related passions, collecting N64 games, speedrunning, and Souls games rank among the most important. You can reach Sam through Twitter, @SamuelChandler, or through his email, sam.chandler@allgamers.com, at any time of the day or night on either side of the globe.

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