Xbox One X vs PS4 Pro - Which is Better?

The PS4 Pro and Xbox One X go head to head in five categories.

Cost Comparison

Something that factors into most people’s buying decisions is the cost of a product, and this is where the PS4 Pro once again starts to wrestle control away from the Xbox One X. Sure, the Xbox One X is a more powerful console, so it makes sense that it would cost more, but people don’t see it that way. They are going to see that both consoles have 4K support, and that the PS4 Pro is $100 cheaper at $399 USD, whereas the Xbox One X is $499 USD. That $100 might not mean a lot to hardcore gamers and dedicated fans of each console, but to the average person who doesn’t have a horse in this race, the $100 savings is going to be one of the major deciding factors.

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