7 Games We Want Hacked Onto the SNES Classic

These games aren’t included on the SNES Classic, so we want them hacked on.


Finally, one game we absolutely need hacked onto the SNES Classic is the original Doom. Released on the SNES as a port, Doom was one of the few titles to boast a colored cartridge depending on the region in which you bought it.

Furthermore, the SNES version of Doom included five levels that were missing from the Jaguar version of the game as well as a host of secret levels from the PC release. These small advances continued as the port took advantage of the Super FX 2 Chip, allowing the map to rotate and scale around the player, as opposed to using an arrow to indicate direction.

Amazingly, Doom multiplayer was possible with the SNES, but only if an XBAND modem was used. This allowed two players to participate in deathmatch, a feature well ahead of its time for console gamers.

And who could forget the phenomenal music of the original Doom. Many late nights were dedicated to slinking around the halls and corridors, blasting away demons while head-banging to the hardcore rhythms.

With the recent success of the Doom franchise, it’s startling to see Doom missing from the SNES Classic game line-up. However, now that Bethesda are in control of the IP, we can’t say it doesn’t make sense. Still, it would have been awesome to play Doom on our SNES Classic, but for now it’s just another title we need hacked onto the system.

Though we’re excited at the line-up of games coming to the SNES Classic, we always want more. More ice cream, more money, more games! The SNES had hundreds of titles released for it over the years, but these are the 7 we want hacked onto the SNES Classic.

Sam Chandler is the Australian piece of the AllGamers puzzle. Out of all his gaming-related passions, collecting N64 games, speedrunning, and Souls games rank among the most important. You can reach Sam through Twitter, @SamuelChandler, or through his email, sam.chandler@allgamers.com, at any time of the day or night on either side of the globe.


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