7 Most Played Tanks in June 2017

These tanks were played more than the rest in June 2017.

5. IS-3

The Soviet Union’s Tier 8 Heavy tank, the IS-3, comes in at number five for the most played tank in World of Tanks during June. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that at least one Soviet Heavy makes the list of most-played tanks, and the IS-3 certainly deserves this spot.

With an excellent top gun with high alpha damage, penetration, handling and accuracy, the IS-3 is able to put the hurt on. while protecting itself with extremely tough armor. By the end of June, over 90k battles were fought in the IS-3: 90,939.

Sam Chandler is the Australian piece of the AllGamers puzzle. Out of all his gaming-related passions, collecting N64 games, speedrunning, and Souls games rank among the most important. You can reach Sam through Twitter, @SamuelChandler, or through his email, sam.chandler@allgamers.com, at any time of the day or night on either side of the globe.


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