7 Ways to Get the Most from Your PS4

There are a lot of tricks and features that most people aren’t aware of on the PS4.

Download the PS Messages App

The PlayStation 4 has two companion apps, which is dumb, and I don’t care who agrees with me. No reason Sony couldn’t lump them into one, but whatever. Not the point. The point is, messaging on the PS4 is a pain in the ass, which is why the PS Messages app is fantastic if you want to respond to people without having to back out of your game. I found this particularly useful in Destiny, where players are often trying to find a squad to Raid with, or maybe even just do the Nightfall. The PS Messages app will let you send and receive messages the same way you would a text, and we’re all plenty comfortable with that.

Read: Is the Xbox One X a PS4 Killer?


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