Top World of Tanks GIFs of the Week - Week 22

You have never seen a Maus move like this before.

Welcome to our weekly instalment of GIFs of the Week, a chance for us all to look back and reflect on the week that just passed and the hilarious moments we’ve experienced. In this latest collection, we see a lot of enemies ignoring damage, people disappearing from sight, and tankers experiencing some horrible RNG.

For those that might be new to our series, GIFs of the Week seeks to round up a few of the best gifs from the internet, such as the World of Tanks subreddit, and even the ones you send us! Speaking of which, if you have a hilarious World of Tanks moment you want featured, be sure to upload your clip to a place like Gfycat and send us a link via Facebook or Twitter!

The Mighty Maus

I write the words “Mighty Maus” and awful lot, whether it’s describing how to destroy the Maus, or talking about how it was one of the tanks with the highest win rates in June. However, I’m beginning to think the word “mighty” may not explain just how monstrous this megalith actually is.

Posted by: vvav

Vvav shows us all why the Maus is such a feared tank in World of Tanks. As a Tier 10 German Heavy, the Maus is more like a slow-moving boulder than a tank. It would appear that five shots from an AMX 50 100 into its broadside isn’t enough to take down a Maus.

Sam Chandler is the Australian piece of the AllGamers puzzle. Out of all his gaming-related passions, collecting N64 games, speedrunning, and Souls games rank among the most important. You can reach Sam through Twitter, @SamuelChandler, or through his email,, at any time of the day or night on either side of the globe.

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