7 Behemoths That We Could See in Battlefield 1

These could be Battlefield 1's biggest and best Behemoths.

Tsar Tank

The Tsar Tank is arguably one of the strangest vehicles of WWI, but it wasn't intended to be a joke with its massive nine-meter-tall front wheels. Apart from the obvious fact that the tank would fit in perfectly with the In The Name Of Tsar expansion due to its name alone, the vehicle did boast a massive arsenal of weapons.

Allegedly, the Tsar tank featured cannons on either side of its hull, with other cannons and machine guns located on the top and bottom of the main hull. The comically massive tank was completed in 1915, but was deemed too vulnerable to artillery fire. It was left abandoned in the testing fields near Moscow, where it was eventually scrapped in the 1920's. Although the machine would be a funny site to see in Battlefield 1, the Tsar tank has likely the most accurate features of being a Behemoth in the game.

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