7 Things You Didn't Know about Zombies Actress Elodie Yung

Elodie Yung has fought a whole bunch of things besides zombies.

3. Elodie Yung Wants Elektra to be Bad in The Defenders

That is certainly how a bad person would sit.
That is certainly how a bad person would sit.

“I would love to appear in 'The Defenders.' I don't know - because hopefully she'll maybe be on the bad side. I don't know - I don't know what they'd do with Elektra in 'The Defenders,' but that would be a good dynamic, I think - to be confronted by these four superheroes, and I think it would be interesting - I'd be curious to see what they do.”

Elodie Yung got her first wish, as Elektra will have a major role in The Defenders.

It remains to be seen if she will be good or bad, but we would like to see Elodie throw some sais around either way.


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