5 Pro Battlefield 1 Tips You Need to Know

We bet you don't know any of these tips.

Shooting Out Window Covers/Doors  

Opening the window covers on maps such as Sinai Dessert might seem like a good idea for you snipers, but actually there is a better way to stay ultra-sneaky. Shooting at window covers and doors allows you to aim through a very small hole that will make even the most eagle-eyed enemy wonder on your whereabouts. If you move back from the window a little too, you'll naturally blend into the room.

Some people may have a little skepticism on this tip though, as snipers create a glint when aiming down sights. This glint can be avoided by using a Marksman variant. You'll still get the benefit of using a 4x scope, which is perfect on the potential close quarters engagements that you'll encounter on Sinai Dessert. 


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