7 Most Popular Tanks of July 2017

These tanks were used the most for the month of July.


It comes as no surprise that the T34 is one of the most popular tanks of July.

Old school cool. The T34 is one of the oldest Premium tanks in World of Tanks, existing since its rebalance from a Tier 9 standard Heavy Tank to a Tier 8 Premium Heavy Tank in patch 0.7.2, released late March 2012. Since then it has remained a staple of US tanks, standing the test of time with nothing more than small buffs here and there such as the gun handling improvements in patch 9.17.

The reason for this is its immense hull down capabilities with 10 degrees of gun depression and excellent turret armor, combined with Tank Destroyer-levels of penetration and a punchy 400 alpha damage main armament, overall making the T34 a niche tank to this day.

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