GIFs of the Week - Week 25

From miraculous recoveries, to TDs doing things they probably shouldn't be able to, it's all here.

Buy a Turret

…is a phrase I commonly use against Tank Destroyer players who hate the fact that I can detrack them before farming them for all their health as they’re entirely helpless. This Gif is a bit different. Blitzilla is at it again with his antics, this time circling a turreted tank destroyer a whole two tiers above him with his turretless SU-122-44. I thought I’d seen it all folks. I’ll let the T30 driver off with the excuse of bad ping rather than poor choice of auto aim.

That sums it up for this week’s shenanigans. If you have any gifs you’d like featured send them in to our Facebook or Twitter. Alternatively I stalk the World of Tanks Subreddit an unhealthy amount, if it’s on there and includes something ridiculous happening, I’ll almost certainly pick it up.


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