Top World of Tanks GIFs of the Week - Week 27

Hell hath no fury like World of Tanks’ Random Number Generator.

You can always count on the incompetence of your enemies

What a rollercoaster of emotions – I have no words. DeinBestrFreund blesses us with this absolute gem of a clip, highlighting exactly why I can’t stand clunky, turretless TD’s. What does it matter that you have a limited magazine against 3 opponents? Who needs armor at point blank range? You have the perfect pubbie-shield, and the enemy guns to work against each other.

And with that ordeal, we reach the end of our GIFs for this week. To have your clips featured in an edition of GIFs of the Week, send them in to our Facebook or Twitter. Alternatively, pop them on the World of Tanks subreddit and I might pick it up during my daily browsing.

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