Top 10 Easiest PS4 Games to Platinum

Instead of working hard for Platinum Trophies on PS4, work smart for Platinum Trophies on PS4 with these easy Trophy games.

Mr. Massagy

Do you like Tinder but are frustrated at the lack of Platinum Trophies and the very real possibility of having to interact with another human? Try Mr. Massagy, a game where you have to match with digital people and trick them into giving you a massage. You are supposed to place your controller on your neck for a real massage experience. Which is something Xbox really needs, even though we think PS4 has more to learn from Xbox.

Play this with a group of friends so you can all laugh and pretend that you are not that into it, even though you are all really into it and can’t wait to go home and play by yourself. Mr. Massagy also has a Platinum Trophy that can be earned in 30 minutes.

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