Top 5 Heavy Tanks in World of Tanks

Discover the most powerful Heavies World of Tanks has to offer.


A fan favorite as found in the 7 Most Popular Tanks of July. The T29 is a well-rounded Tier 7 Heavy Tank without any pressing downsides, but some serious strengths.

First and foremost, the turret armor is absolutely phenomenal for its Tier, and combined with its 10 degrees of gun depression it can challenge Tier 9 opponents in a hull down duel, placing it within the Best Ridgeline Warriors in the game.

The firepower of the T29 is decent, with high penetration and decent alpha damage but somewhat poor gun handling and DPM, though you shouldn’t have too much pressure to lay down DPM and perfectly aim all of your shots when all return fire pings fruitlessly off your turret face.

Finally, the mobility is decent as well. A top speed of 35 km/h and pretty good power-to-weight ratio allows the T29 to utilise Heavy Tank positions without too much risk of being caught with your pants down by early spotting, though it’s certainly not great either.

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