7 Best Tank Destroyers in World of Tanks

Discover the best choices for when you want to pack a punch.

Grille 15

The Grille 15 is very similar to the Skorpion in nature – the definition of Glass Cannon. With an extremely accurate, high alpha damage main armament and exceptional mobility, I enjoy playing the Grille 15 as a pseudo-Medium, capable of out-trading anything it meets. It should be noted, however, that the maneuverability of the Grille is lack lustre, as it turns very poorly.

Not only this, but the gun handling soft stats on the Grille are some of the worst in the game, forcing you to fully aim if you plan on hitting anything. For that reason, many prefer to sit back and snipe with the Grille to avoid danger, especially after the recent nerfs to mobility and DPM which harm its ability to peak-a-boom. Either way, the Grille 15 is a very capable Tank and is certainly one of the best Tier 10 TD’s in the game.

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