5 Tips to Earn the Most XP in World of Tanks

Maximise your Experience income in World of Tanks.

Spot Your Own Targets

Pretty much everyone knows that shooting targets gives you XP, and spotting for others gives you XP, but how it actually works is often a mystery. Well no longer, as I’ll give a brief description of the process. A tank’s juicy hitpoints that you love farming so much give a certain amount of XP per point of damage you deal, multiplied by things like their respective Tier compared to yours, and their Tank Type (I believe Artillery award you the most XP per hit point, so kill the pigs first).

An example of me using binoculars to spot my targets in the AMX 50 Foch B.
An example of me using binoculars to spot my targets in the AMX 50 Foch B.

Friendly vehicles spotting targets don’t simply get bonus XP for doing so, but rather take half of the XP the shooter would otherwise get, and that XP is then divided among however many tanks are spotted by the victim. By shooting vehicles you spotted for yourself (or shooting unspotted targets) you get all of that XP – sharing is for losers. Check out my guide on Spotting and View Range Mechanics to help with this.


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