Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare pacifist run is the height of playing games wrong

The communities devoted to completing games with bongo controllers and bananas.

There are entire communities within gaming dedicated to beating games in novel ways. Whether that's speedrunning Mario or using Donkey Kong bongos to beat Dark Souls, there's a time-honored tradition of using creative means to finish difficult challenges. However, Kirk Sheely has attempted something almost as impossible – getting through Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare without shooting anyone.

(Speaking of COD, we bet you didn't know these five actors were in Call of Duty games.)

Originally reported by Kotaku, the YouTuber posting under the name Nullface, calls the project Modern Peacefare – running through the game on what he considers a Pacifist Run.

As you can see from this first gameplay video, it's certainly a challenge, although having AI soldiers as back-up is certainly helpful.

He said about his project, "An attempt to play through Call of Duty: Modern Warfare without killing anyone. The rules are I’m only allowed to kill when the game will not let me proceed in any way without doing so (usually in a glorified cutscene, such as the kind that require me to shoot a vehicle before the story can proceed)."

The second gameplay video demonstrates this practice even more, although, surprise, enemies make it a tricky thing to execute.


Chris is the captain of the good ship AllGamers, which would explain everything you're seeing here. Get in touch to talk about work or the $6 million Echo Slam by emailing or finding him on Twitter. 


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