Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare pacifist run is the height of playing games wrong

The communities devoted to completing games with bongo controllers and bananas.

Makey Makey are a kit of sensors that allow you to turn anything into a programmable input for the PC via passive conduction, using your body's capacitive energy like a giant touchscreen. Which, of course, also lets Rudeism try and play as Winston the science gorilla using nothing but bananas, naturally:

This approach to making anything into a controller has also led to brand new games blossoming into existence. Line Wobbler, from indie developer Robin Baumgarten takes a single LED strip and one of those sproingy door stoppers and turns it into a one-dimensional dungeon crawler. Pushing, pulling and twanging the springy controller lets you advance, retreat and attack enemies as you attempt to reach the end, recently being turned into a Christmas tree in London's St. Pancras station.

This is a game that simply couldn't happen without the philosophical approach embodied by trying to finish Call of Duty: Modern Warfare without hurting a single soul. The same urge that compels people to try and finish Half-Life 2: Episode 2 while carrying a garden gnome from the very first level to the rocket launch finale. The creative essence of gaming differently. God speed to all members of the playing it wrong crew.

If you enjoyed this piece, check out our list of the 12 greatest gaming spin-offs. We still can't believe how popular #4 has been...


Chris is the captain of the good ship AllGamers, which would explain everything you're seeing here. Get in touch to talk about work or the $6 million Echo Slam by emailing or finding him on Twitter. 


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