5 things you didn't know about Call of Duty Zombies

The deep secrets of CoD's shambler-shooter.

2. The Tranzit Jet Gun and Paralyzer connection

Tranzit is often disregarded in the eyes of Call of Duty Zombies fans. Considered to be a failure, the map certainly had a great deal of potential, introducing a lot of different ideas. It was the first map of its size and is still the only map that has separate areas that were made playable on solo.

One huge detail the map introduced was buildable in-game items, including the Jet Gun Wonder Weapon. The Jet Gun, as strange as it may sound, is actually a prototype for the Paralyzer. The weapons are incredibly similar and have the same physique. When examining the two, it’s important to note their strikingly similarity in two main functions.

Both weapons kill zombies through a swirling gust of wind that slows them down before annihilating them. The second similarity is the ability to boost around with the weapon. The Paralyzer is heavily revered for the ability to do both things, yet thanks to the level it appeared on, most don’t make the connection with the Jet Gun, introduced just a few maps ahead of its time.

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