PlayStation 5 launch title wishlist

Games we'd love to see as PS5 launch titles in 2020.

The Elder Scrolls VI

We’re not sure if Bethesda can pull off a “Holiday 2020” release of the highly anticipated follow-up to Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls VI, but there’s no harm in hoping for it to happen either. We’ll admit that we haven’t been too excited by what Bethesda has been doing as of late (looking at you Fallout 76), but we’re also too whipped to say no to a new Elder Scrolls.

That deal with the Devil has already been signed. With Skyrim ported to every possible outlet imaginable, Bethesda may decide it’s time to share news about The Elder Scrolls VI in early 2020. We can picture them closing out an E3 2020 presentation with a new trailer for The Elder Scrolls VI with a final shot that reads “Coming Holiday 2020.”

With that sort of release window, they’d also be confirming a release on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Scarlett, opening the door to all sorts of possibilities for gameplay. We can picture it so clearly, it’s almost real… almost. At this point, all we can do is keep our fingers crossed and hope.

Morgan is a writer, indie game lover, and socially awkward coffee addict. Need something? Morgan can be reached at or if you like, you can say hello using GIFs on Twitter.

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