These games will help determine whether you'll like Death Stranding

Find out whether or not you should purchase a copy of Death Stranding based upon your previous gaming interests.


Death Stranding may not be a survival game like Rust, but it incorporates plenty of elements that pay homage to the genre such as backpack management.
Death Stranding may not be a survival game like Rust, but it incorporates plenty of elements that pay homage to the genre such as backpack management and situational awareness.
© Facepunch Studios

We know what you’re thinking, how is Rust like Death Stranding? Well, one area where Death Stranding challenges its players is how you explore the terrain around you. You have to stack your backpack as neatly as possible when making deliveries to avoid toppling over. You have to use things like ladders and ropes to get around obstacles. You can drown in the water if you’re not careful.

Death Stranding isn’t a survival game per se, but there are many aspects of it that incorporate the idea of survival and self-preservation. Rust – and survival games like it – teach you the importance of planning and patience. You need to acquire resources and explore your environment carefully in order to succeed. Yes, it can be frustrating at first, but once you get the hang of it, you feel a distinct sense of accomplishment.

The same is true in Death Stranding. Heck, you can even leave clues and helpful items (we won’t say pee mushrooms but... pee mushrooms) behind for other players to find. If you enjoy survival mechanics in games like Rust or Scum, you may enjoy what Kojima has done with things like backpack management.

In the end, Death Stranding is its own game. Comparisons can be made between other titles, but the only way to know for sure if you’ll enjoy Death Stranding is to play it. If we had to make a personal recommendation, we’d say that yeah, Death Stranding is worth a closer look.

That said, we want to know your thoughts on the matter. Do you like any of the games mentioned in this list, if so, will you play Death Stranding? Why or why not? Comment below!

Morgan is a writer, indie game lover, and socially awkward coffee addict. Need something? Morgan can be reached at or if you like, you can say hello using GIFs on Twitter.

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