Best gaming soundtracks of 2019

Prepare your ears for the best gaming soundtracks of 2019!

Metro Exodus

Metro Exodus released early in 2019 and people breezed past it a little too quickly due, in large part, to the sheer scale of amazing games that released throughout the year. Despite the time that’s passed, the soundtrack for Metro Exodus stands out as a strong contender for the best soundtrack of the year.

It’s moody, atmospheric, and fits the events of Metro Exodus perfectly in every way. Even listening to the OST on its own, it’s hard to not feel haunted by the story it tells. If you missed out on Metro Exodus, we highly recommend playing the game and paying close attention to its soundtrack because it’s fantastic.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Last, but certainly not least, we have Fire Emblem: Three Houses. The music in Fire Emblem: Three Houses isn’t particularly complex, but it finds a way to be grand and epic all the same. In battle, you feel supported and encouraged by the music. While exploring as Byleth, you feel relaxed and inquisitive.

The game’s soundtrack fits perfectly and can be enjoyed whether you’re actively playing the game, or putting the OST on in the background to help you study.

Now that we’ve listed off our favorite video game soundtracks of 2019, we’re eager to hear your thoughts. Do you agree with our picks? Did we miss anything? In the comments below, list your favorite video game OSTs from 2019 and which one you feel deserves the “best soundtrack of 2019” award!

Morgan is a writer, indie game lover, and socially awkward coffee addict. Need something? Morgan can be reached at or if you like, you can say hello using GIFs on Twitter.

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