8 video games that would make perfect movies

Take your rings and get a move on Sonic - these are the stars we want to see on the big screen.

God of War

Video games that would make perfect movies god of war
© Santa Monica Studios

Norse Mythology has been around a long old while. Roughly two and a half thousand years by our books, though the whole "myth" status was likely a more recent adjustment. Still, it’s remained a popular source of inspiration for stories throughout European history since, which makes it all the more impressive that Santa Monica Studios created a novel and engrossing take on the subject matter. 

As you might have guessed, we’re talking about the 2018 God of War, unquestionably best entry in the series. Even if you haven’t played the other titles, Kratos and Atreus’ journey grips and doesn’t let go, like an Leviathan Axe aimed straight at your emotions. Watching Kratos come to terms with his unpleasant past and learn to be a better person by raising and loving his son outshines even the spectacular combat, which is why we think it’d make for a brilliant experience on the screen as well.

Horizon Zero Dawn

Horizon zero dawn movie we want to see
© Guerrilla Games

Okay, okay, so we did list Horizon Zero Dawn in our list of games that would make great TV adaptations, but anyone who enjoyed Aloy’s story will likely agree that it’d work just as well in a movie too. The world of HZD is brilliantly unique, and one that’d be best served with the bigger budgets of movies to bring it to life. Lord knows those robot dinosaurs are going to take some animation work. 

Give us Aloy’s outcast tale of discovering self-worth alongside an advanced yet damaging lost civilization. Condensing the story would be tricky, but we’re pretty certain we can comfortably cut the 5+ hours of resource gathering and crafting, yeah? No need to stick that close to the source material.


Video game movies we want to see
© Blizzard

As one of the most popular strategy games from late ‘90s and Early 2000s, StarCraft has been the inspiration for may a fan-made video and story over the years. As those who grew up planning Zerg rushes and Terran assaults developed their movie-making skills, we got to see their attempts to honor a beloved sci-fi world. 

For all Blizzard’s comical unit animations and dialogue, the StarCraft universe is far from a cheery place, with colonies relentlessly ravaged by the unstoppable force of the Zerg. We thoroughly enjoyed RocketJump’s rather macabre take on the universe in their short video The Rush, and would definitely be up for seeing a longer, more serious take on Blizzard’s world. Then again, given the studio's love for Overwatch lore cinematics, perhaps that’s a safer bet.

Associate Editor

Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at henry@moonrock.biz, or catch him on Twitter.


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