
Overwatch's next hero may be a French medic named Baptiste

An ex Talon member, Baptiste is on the run from his former employer.


Overwatch's Lunar New Year event set for January 24

Soldier 76 drums up excitement.

Overwatch to get seven-day free trial next week

Join in the fun, cAshe or not.

Lucio-Ohs cereal is now a thing

Blizzard breaks it down with the release of Lucio-Ohs cereal.

Overwatch's Busan map takes control of South Korea's second city

The Control map type will take us through downtown to D.Va's MEKA base.

Blizzard's latest Overwatch short makes D.Va the star

The 'Shooting Star' cinematic was debuted as part of Gamescom and the Korea Overwatch Fan Festival 2018.

Overwatch's hamster wrecking ball – fun should never be this hard

Between peer endorsements and the hamster, it should at last be safe to enjoy ourselves.

London Spitfire claim victory at the first Overwatch League Finals

London's calling.

Jeff Kaplan says Overwatch toxicity down by over 25%

The Endorsement system proves effective in reducing in-game toxicity.

$13 Million raised by Overwatch's Pink Mercy

Blizzard's sale of Pink Mercy resulted in one of the largest company donations ever made.