Sniper Elite 5: Occupied Residence Workbench locations map

Learn where to find all Mission 2 Workbenches in Sniper Elite 5.

Sniper Elite 5 Occupied Residence is Mission 2 and features three more Workbench locations to find. They’re hidden fairly well, but track down all Occupied Residence Workbenches and you’ll net new customization options for rifles, pistols, and SMGs. In this guide, we’ll map out all Mission 2: Occupied Residence Workbench locations in Sniper Elite 5 for you to easily track down.

Sniper Elite 5: Occupied Residence Workbench locations map

Sniper Elite 5 Occupied Residence Workbench locations map
© Rebellion

As with every Sniper Elite 5 level, the Mission 2 Occupied Residence Workbenches are split into three categories: Pistol Workbench, Rifle Workbench, and SMG Workbench. You can see the location of each on the map above, and we’ve also included more detailed instructions about how to reach each of the workbench locations below.

Mission 2 Pistol Workbench location

The first of the Occupied Residence workbenches is located on the eastern path up to the estate. Stick right after you cross the river and take out/avoid the squad guarding it to reach a small set of farm buildings with some German soldiers guarding them. They're right at the eastern end of the long road which runs in front of the main chateau. The northernmost building has an armory accessed via stachel or a key you can snag from the Officer patrolling this area. Inside is the Pistol Workbench location.

Mission 2 SMG Workbench location

Follow the main road in front of the estate all the way across the level to the west side and you’ll find some orchard fields and an L-shaped building tucked into the northwestern nook of the map. To reach the SMG Workbench location, you need to climb up the vines around the back (north) side of the building to reach the upper rafters. Grab some items and interact with the workbench here.

Sniper Elite 5 mission 2 workbenches map
© Rebellion

Mission 3 Rifle Workbench location

The last of the Occupied Residence workbenches is hidden underground below the main chateau. It’s most easily reached by entering the building via the empty moat which runs around its front. The Rifle Workbench is in the dead center of another armory on this level. Enter via the moat to sneak in without detection, but watch out for the two guards standing inside.

Those are all the Sniper Elite 5 Mission 2 Occupied Residence workbench locations. Ready to move on? Our Mission 3: Spy Academy Workbench locations guide is here. If you haven’t already done so, be sure to revisit the Mission 1 The Atlantic Wall workbenches so you can ensure you’ve grabbed all the weapon customization options available.

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Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at, or catch him on Twitter.


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