A Way Out guide - Chapter 1: Escape

In the first chapter of A Way Out, Vincent and Leo must survive attackers and enact their escape plan, forming a firm friendship along the way.

Laundry Smuggle

You task here is to smuggle some laundry sheets out of the area without being caught. This is the first largely open section of the game, and your main objective is to get access to the backroom. First you’ll need to find a laundry cart and fill it with sheets. Then you can take them to the little vent for use later on. Spend a bit of time getting to know both the area as well as the inmates working there — you’ll need to them to cause a distraction later.

When you’re ready, head to the back of the laundry and talk to the inmate guarding the carts. Have one player convince him by any means necessary (we found punching to be rather effective) and then jump in the cart. The other player can then quickly load it with three sheets from around the laundry. These can be found to the side of the cart room. The character in the cart will let you know if you have enough, but it should be three sheets. Once all the sheets are in, press the appropriate button to hide under them. The player out of the cart can then push it over towards the guards. They’ll look inside and then take the cart from you. The person in the cart has to wait until it comes to a stop before they can get out.

© A Way Out / Hazelight Studios / Fair Use
© A Way Out / Hazelight Studios / Fair Use

Both Vincent and Leo now need to access to the backroom. Unfortunately there’s a guard in the way once more. There are two methods to distract the guard here: cause a machine to break, or start a fight. If you prefer a punch up, talk to the inmates who aren’t getting along and rile them both up. The same player can then go to the guard to point out the argument and give you some time to gain access to the backroom.

The door near the guard is locked, so you’ll need the laundry cart player to open it from their side. Be careful here as there’s another guard patrolling in this room. Watch his path and choose your moment carefully to unlock the door. Once you’re both inside, head to the room with the laundry cart and grab the sheets there or take some off the table. You now need to boost one person up to the bars before passing the sheets up to them. When three sheets are thrown through the bars, the mission will end.

The Way Out

With the sheets collected, you’ll make your way into the sewer system, and who doesn’t like a good sewer? After you’ve descended the sheets, walk to the centre of the room and work together to lift the heavy grate in the floor. Leo will jump down into the dark, and Vincent will have to collect a flashlight from the shelf nearby. Grab the light and drop down into the drainage area. Leo then needs turn the valve, stopping the flow of water before he crawls through the opening. Turn another valve to stop the water in the next section. Vincent has to hand Leo the flashlight through the bars before running back to the locked gate. Leo should then head to the gate where he’ll back the lock off with a brick.

Just around the corner you’ll come across a locked door. You can break this open by both players slamming into it at the same time. This next section is pitch-black so you’ll have to stick together as you progress. Once you enter a brighter area with a guard walking above, pull open the metal sheet and you can start the next challenge.

© A Way Out / Hazelight Studios / Fair Use
© A Way Out / Hazelight Studios / Fair Use

Vincent and Leo will reach a vertical climb that requires them to go back-to-back in order to ascend. You need to time your button presses to hit the marker at the same time. If one player is out of sync, they’ll throw Vincent and Leo off balance, requiring the fallen player to climb back up. Make sure that the higher player doesn’t press anything while the other player regains their balance. Reach the top and both characters will pull themselves up. Freedom isn’t quite within your grasp yet, as Vincent and Leo will need to steal a Wrench before they can make it out.

Associate Editor

Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email at henry@moonrock.biz, or catch him on Twitter.


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