Best Medium Tanks for Noobs in World of Tanks

Find out which Medium Tanks you should be focusing on if you’re a new player.


I’m not sure if I’m physically capable of creating a Medium Tank list without including the Panther/M10. Trust me – it really is that good. As explained in my Top 7 Premium Tanks list, the Panther/M10 was recently significantly buffed into the greatest Tier 7 Medium as far as I’m concerned. It excels in most areas without any real draw backs, and is therefore very comfortable to use.

The real thing that makes it stand out as a noob-friendly Medium for me, though, is the Premium Matchmaking. Not having to deal with tanks way out of your league is a huge advantage to have, as it completely eliminates the possibility that you’re bottom Tier in the new Matchmaker’s 3/5/7 format.


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