Best Medium Tanks for Noobs in World of Tanks

Find out which Medium Tanks you should be focusing on if you’re a new player.

Object 140

Take the T-54 and improve everything about it, and you have the Object 140. Of course the Tier increase requires this improvement to statistics, and things that don’t change (such as its upper plate armor) really don’t work as well as on the lower Tiers, but the 140 is an excellent tank in its own right.

While the T-54’s gun handling is pretty good, the Object 140’s is practically unrivalled and you’re able to snap shots in with minimal aiming required. Your turret face cannot be penetrated by practically anything, and after the roof weak spot is removed next patch this thing will become almost as strong as the T-62 when hull down. You also have the fact that your DPM exceeds 3000, and your penetration issues are solved with APCR as its standard ammunition.

There aren’t really any pressing downsides to the Object 140, it’s not simply “ok” in areas it’s not absolutely excellent at (of which there aren’t many). This comfort in playability as well as the forgiving nature of a non-paper thin Tank enables even the least confident players to compete in the 140, making it an excellent noob friendly Medium.

That concludes my list of the Best Medium Tanks for Noobs. The general rule of thumb seemed to be; decent armor to forgive mistakes, decent all-round statistics, and a low skill floor that doesn’t require some advanced knowledge of the game to be able to utilise the Tank’s strengths. What would your list consist of, and is there anything you lividly disagree with? Why?

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