7 Things You Didn't Know About Your PS4

These seven hidden features will help you get the most from your PS4.

Turn Off the DualShock 4 Speaker


There’s a good chance most people have found this simply because they were desperate to do so, but for the odd person reading this who isn’t already aware, you can turn off that horrendous excuse for an external speaker on the DualShock 4 controller. You know, the one that every single Sony PS4 exclusive in history forces down your throat through some stupid gimmick.

Luckily, turning this off can be easily done by holding down the PS button in the middle of your controller. That should bring up a menu with an option for Sounds/Devices, and then Volume Control (Speaker for Controller). It’s there that you can turn the volume down, or as we did, kill the obnoxious sounds coming out of our DualShock 4 controller for good.

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