7 Things You Didn't Know About Your PS4

These seven hidden features will help you get the most from your PS4.

Rebuild the PS4 Database

Rebuilding your PS4 database falls a little bit more towards maintenance than it does feature, but it’s till something you should do from time to time, and we’re guessing most people have never done it.

Think of rebuilding your PS4 database like defragmenting the hard drive on your PC. You won’t lose any of your data or files, but you’ll have your PS4 take some time to organize things. This will often improve the performance of your PS4. How noticeable that performance boost is could come down to how much you have stored and whether you’ve ever completed this process before, but it can’t hurt.

Fortunately, we have a full guide on how and why you should rebuild your PS4 database. If you’re looking to get the most from your machine, we highly suggest you give it a read and consider cleaning things up a little bit.



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