9 Tips to Get Better at Battlefield 1

Follow these tips to improve your skills and become a better player in Battlefield 1.

Take Down Behemoths

Behemoths are massive armored vehicles that will spawn during Conquest and Operations matches to aid one of the teams. Players on the side of the Behemoth can command certain gunner positions within the vehicle to gun down infantry and attempt to swing the battle in their favor.

The Armored Train, Dreadnought, and Airship L30 are the main Behemoths you can encounter while playing multiplayer in Battlefield 1. Behemoths are heavily armored and are extremely difficult to destroy. Your best bet for crippling these massive machines is to target their vulnerable parts and weaponry first. Focus on destroying player-controlled turrets to reduce a Behemoth’s HP and firepower.

You’ll need to use armor-piercing weapons and ammunition to damage Behemoths, so make sure you come equipped with anti-tank guns, rockets, or gadgets. AT mines and anti-tank grenades are good against the Armored Train up close, while AT rockets can be used to inflict damage at long range. Field guns can also help give you the firepower you need for destroying Behemoths in Battlefield 1. 


Larryn is a full-time editor who has written guides and editorial features for various gaming websites. She is obsessed with Witcher 3 and is known to put hot sauce on everything.


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