9 Tips to Get Better at Battlefield 1

Follow these tips to improve your skills and become a better player in Battlefield 1.

Don't Make Easy-to-Avoid Mistakes

Part of getting better at Battlefield 1 is avoiding mistakes. While that might sound a bit like "git gud", what we actually mean is that in order to improve, you need to make good decisions and learn from your errors. Bill has covered five bonehead mistakes that Battlefield 1 players make, but let's dive into a few more you might be making.

You should probably avoid chasing enemies around corners. Unless you can guarantee that your allies are around the next bend, you're more likely going to run face-first into a whole platoon of enemies. There's a reason your enemy chose that corner, it's because they've got friends waiting for them. If you must, try tossing a grenade and see if you get a kill, because sometimes an enemy will round a corner only to turn and wait for you to chase them - a cheeky grenade will put them in their place.

Another easy-to-avoid mistake is stacking up on one class. If you see your Squad already has two Scouts, it can be a good idea to mix it up and go Support or even Medic to give them more ammo crates or health. Fix the small mistakes and you'll find yourself getting better and better at Battlefield 1.


Larryn is a full-time editor who has written guides and editorial features for various gaming websites. She is obsessed with Witcher 3 and is known to put hot sauce on everything.


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