Highest DPM Tank Destroyers in World of Tanks

Who cares about camouflage or raw damage when your DPM is amazing?

Highest DPM Tank Destroyers – Tier 9

FV4004 Conway

With only a single gun to use, the Conway bets it all and walks away with a DPM of 3,208. While this is lower than some of the previous TDs, the Conway boasts a fully traversable turret that includes its own armor values. It also enjoys rapid speeds, allowing it to reposition or move around the battlefield with ease.


Equipping the 122 mm D-49 on the SU-122-54 brings this Russian Tank Destroyer’s DPM up to a whopping 3,297. While it will take a dip in damage, the overall rate of fire helps lift it back up to a competitive standing.


Rounding off Tier 9 is the British Tortoise. This slow, heavy, and well-fortified TD can reach a DPM of 3,525 when equipped with its 120 mm AT Gun L1A1. Obviously, this DPM can be boosted further through the use of HESH rounds and specialized crew training.

The Tortoise is an excellent goal for anyone looking to work down one of the British tank lines. Just be careful not to allow yourself to be circled, as its slow movement speed leaves it vulnerable to flanking.

Sam Chandler is the Australian piece of the AllGamers puzzle. Out of all his gaming-related passions, collecting N64 games, speedrunning, and Souls games rank among the most important. You can reach Sam through Twitter, @SamuelChandler, or through his email, sam.chandler@allgamers.com, at any time of the day or night on either side of the globe.


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