Top 10 Glass Cannons in World of Tanks

Hit them first, and hit them hard. Very hard.

Tier 7

Sturer Emil

The Germans join the race with the renowned 128mm down at Tier 7. 490 alpha damage with a respectable 2200 DPM and 231mm of penetration on its standard rounds is absolutely brutal for anything on the receiving end, and its 15 degrees of gun depression rivals even the Best Ridgeline Warriors -- perhaps it’s something about the name ‘Emil’. That being said, this happens to be the stubborn Emil, and oh is it stubborn.

That 128mm is great for the whole 15 rounds it can carry before it runs out of ammunition and is left with nothing but its gun depression to act as an over-engineered vacuum cleaner. The mobility is dreadful with a top speed of 25 km/h and power-to-weight ratio of 8.49 hp/t, the frontal armor might hold up against low calibre High Explosive rounds at an impressive, absolutely flat 50mm, and the terrible gun traverse arc prevents it from using any sort of equipment that might hide its huge, ugly profile. Okay, I’m a little biased towards this thing (for good reason), but it certainly is undeniably the definition of a glass cannon.


Ever looked at a Tier 10 Russian Medium tank like the Object 430 and thought “that needs more alpha damage, more DPM, and to be dropped down 3 tiers”? No, neither have I, but when it comes to damage output, that describes the ISU-122S.

With 3300 DPM it sits in third place for Damage Per Minute out of everything in the entire game. Yes, every tier. It’s barely behind the Tortoise and Strv 103B in first and second place respectively… at Tier 7. The ISU-122S is unmatched by anything in terms of tier-for-tier firepower and I feel sorry for those who find themselves unstuck on the receiving end of one of these.

But, in true glass cannon fashion, your platform absolutely sucks. You have enough armor to stop most HE rounds, and your mantlet might absorb the occasional AP round at an odd angle, but that’s about it. You’re not terribly mobile either, your firepower will make short work of your Concealment Rating without correct use of Concealment Mechanics, and your accuracy… well, let’s say you have accuracy through volume.

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